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Princz’s Perspective

Highland Park Planet’s Sports Editor Howard Princz each week will do a column highlighting one or multiple topics dominating the Highland Park sports scene. We hope this contribution will score big – and look forward to suggestions and comments from readers READ MORE

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School Board president is youngest but oldest member of board

The following HPP Bio-Brief on School Board President Adam Sherman is part of the Highland Park Planet’s series of occasional profiles about school board members, administrators, and teachers. Please note: The formal budget hearing and adoption of the final budget takes place at the April 20th school board meeting. Property tax revenue to the schools is $23.7 million in a total revenue budget of $28.4 million. The total expense budget is $28.8 million.


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Interim Superintendent Soto announces he will retire at end of school year

Highland Park Schools Interim Superintendent Israel Soto announced today his intention to retire at the end of this academic year. Known for his energy, optimism, communication skills and love of the students, he gave no specific reason for his decision. School Board President Adam Sherman committed to an inclusive, open and transparent selection process for a new schools leader. READ MORE

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