Middlesex County officials, in partnership with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, will open a drive-thru COVID-19 testing site on Wednesday, April 1 at New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Kilmer Vehicle Inspection Center, 33 Kilmer Road, Edison. READ MORE
Recent Articles
Highland Park Coronavirus Infections Rise to 16; HPPD Officer Self-Quarantined
The number of residents infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus has risen to 16, a number that does not include a Highland Park police officer who went into self-quarantine after testing positive for the virus that has quickly defined the era. READ MORE
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Three Residents Test Positive for Coronavirus, Bringing Townwide Total to 15
Three more Highland Park residents tested positive for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, bringing the townwide total up to 15 residents infected.
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More Information Resources for Small Businesses Compiled by Main Street Highland Park
Funding Programs & Business Support for businesses affected by COVID-19
The Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses. Learn more. Facebook is offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits through their Small Business Grants Program. Learn more. JPMorgan pledged $50 million global philanthropic commitment to support communities and people hit hardest by this public health crisis, including $2 million to existing nonprofit partners and $8 million to assist small businesses. READ MORE
Filed under: Business
Governor Murphy Announces Statewide Stay at Home Order, Closure of All Non-Essential Retail Businesses
Order Also Prohibits All Social Gatherings, Mandates Work From Home Arrangements for Employees When Possible, and Invalidates Any Conflicting Local and County Regulations READ MORE
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Updates from Main Street HP: May 3 HP 5K and Street Fair Felled by COVID-19; Support Farmers Market Vendors and Local Merchants
HP 5k Race & Street Fair Update We are very sad to say that due to COVID-19 concerns and uncertainty, we be postponing the annual Highland Park 5k race and Spring Street Fair on Sunday May 3, 2020. Please email mainstreethighlandpark@gmail.com to be put on our mailing list for rescheduling updates. Updates will also be posted on our website. Farmers Market Update We’re not in season yet, but our vendors are still in business. You can click here to see some online shopping options from some of our market vendors. READ MORE
Filed under: Business
Working and Learning at Home Presents a New Challenge and RU Experts Offer Advice
Gone is the morning race out the door to get the kids to school and parents to work. Now, the challenge many working parents face is structuring the day to make sure their children are still learning while also trying to do their jobs from home. One comforting fact is that we are not alone in this difficult situation. The following Rutgers experts are discussed how parents can help children with their home education while balancing their work-related responsibilities in this unprecedented time. GG Weisenfeld Assistant Research Professor National Institute for Early Education Research Rutgers Graduate School of Education
Yana Rodgers Professor Center for Women & Work Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations
Here are some tips for homeschooling:
What advice do you have for parents struggling with children who aren’t as cooperative learning at home as they might be in a classroom? READ MORE
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COVID-19 Punches Local Businesses, but Residents Can Help with Takeout
Article is from ROI.NJ.com March 20, 2020
People have been encouraged to order takeout in an effort to aid local businesses. It’s a good thing for the economy, we’re told. But, is it safe? Dr. Henry Fraimow, an infectious disease specialist at Cooper University Health Care, says it is. “We know that the risk of contracting coronavirus through food is incredibly low,” Fraimow said in a release. READ MORE
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Stop & Shop Has Special Hours for Seniors and Other HP Retailers Make Special Effort to Serve Community
Beginning Thursday, March 19th, all Stop & Shop stores, including Highland Park’s Raritan Avenue store, will open earlier at 6 a.m. and designate the timeframe from 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. as reserved for serving those customers who are age 60 and older. “Now, more than ever, it’s important we come together as a community to support each other during challenging times. Part of that is showing compassion and care for some of our neighbors who are most vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. According to the CDC, that is members of the population who are age 60 and older,” according to a Stop & Shop statement.
To support this group, Stop & Shop decided to offer this arrangement every day of the week to allow for community members in this age category to shop in a less crowded environment, which better enables social distancing. They’ll also be shopping prior to any other customers entering.
People ages 60 and older will use a designated entrance, which will be marked at their local store, from 6:00a.m.-7:30a.m. Although the store will not be requesting ID for entry, management asks that consumers ask that respect the purpose of the early opening – and do the right thing for the community. READ MORE
Filed under: Local News
Spring forward and set clocks ahead by an hour Sunday morning March 8, 2020
Opinion from the Editor:
It’s time for Congress to pick one time that is standard throughout the year! Multiple health risks have been cited in scientific literature during the “Spring Forward,” including car accidents, heart attacks and workplace injuries. Since Daylight Saving Time was enacted to conserve coal during WWI, its role currently is obsolete in terms of energy saving measures. It’s time for Congress to pick one time that is standard throughout the year! Multiple health risks have been cited in scientific literature during the “Spring Forward” including car accidents, heart attacks and workplace injuries. READ MORE